There's plenty of misinformation and disinformation swirling around about libraries and "obscene materials" right now. We've compiled some information with the sections of Idaho Code that define "obscene materials" and "harmful to minors."
Idaho Public Library Statistics Oct 2020-Sep 2021
Idaho Public Library Statistics Oct 2020-Sep 2021
3.77 million people visited Idaho's 162 public library locations
Idahoans checked out more than 14 million items
Libraries provided more than 1.8 million uses of public internet services (up 14% from the previous year)
Idahoans pay an average per capity $44.37 annually to support their public library
About 43% of Idahoans have a library card--that's more than 795K people
Libraries held over 20K programs last year, and more than 480K people attended those programs
Book Banning and Censorship
Book Banning and Censorship